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Online booking is available now!

Please Take A Moment To Read Our Policies Before Booking.

Recently, we have changed our cancellation policy. 

Please book your appointment only if you

are certain you would like one. 


we require our clients to confirm their appointment with a card to secure their booking. A valid phone number and email address are required when

booking. If your contact information cannot be verified, your

appointment may be canceled and regarded as spam.


We require at least 24 hours notice if you have to cancel or

reschedule an appointment. 

50% fee for late cancellations under 24 hours notice.

Please notify us by phone, email, or in person.

All of our appointment confirmations and

reminders are sent via text or email. If you have not received

either one, please contact us at 604-503-5274 or email:


If not showing up to your scheduled appointment, or if we

have not heard from you for over 15 minutes of your

appointment time, your appointment will be cancelled

automatically and it will be considered as a “No Show”.

Clients are charged a 100% fee for No-Shows,

and a non-refundable deposit will be required for future appointments.


We do not offer refunds on services. We do, however, offer a

complementary fix appointment if for any reason you are not

happy with the results, please contact us as soon as possible,

we will be happy to have a follow-up appointment with you!

A complimentary fix appointment must be scheduled within

1 week from the original date of your appointment.


Need help with booking? Call us at 604-503-5274


We strive to accommodate our clients to the best of our ability!

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